Friday, October 12, 2012

10/11/2012- ten eleven more days...parental support endless

October 11, 2012 - Thursday

Today's 10/11/12-- must mean something good, right?  If not, I pretended it did :)  

I had a very busy day at work today.  I called my dad to pick me up from work close to 8pm. When he came, I asked him to take me to Target so I could buy the sports bras that my surgeon recommended I use after my surgery.  Last night, I went with my mom to Walgreens and filled my prescriptions, so I have my antibiotics, pain meds, and something I'm suppose to wash my body with the day before and morning of surgery- ready for next week.  My mom also bought face masks and non-latex gloves for when they have to take care of me after.  I laugh because I think she actually is planning to make my visitors wear the masks when they visit me at home!  OMG!  Fair warning to potential visitors-lol!  I don't think it will happen, but I never know.  I might take pictures of a few of you with the masks for my blog- that would be entertaining :) ha!ha!  For sure Wednesday will be spent disinfecting and cleaning the house (day before surgery).  We still have to figure out what to do about the dogs-- Rafiki is use to sleeping with me and Roxy sleeps on the floor by my bed too.  I will be sad without rafiki by me, but I don't want an infection either.  I think we'll just gate the entrance to my bedroom while I recover, so the dogs can't come in.  I hope all goes well.  Mom already told me that she can't change my bandages or do any nursing, because she can't look, so she is going to make my dad take care of that part. OMG! lol! Plus, Mom has rheumatoid arthritis, so she is limited anyway. Naomi also can't stand blood, so the two women in the house will not be so helpful when it comes to that aspect of taking care of me.  Mom will continue cooking amazing meals and fattening me up, and Naomi will make me laugh and probably help with the make-up if I want any (you know, just in case my future husband happens roam in my house- NOT!). lol! She'll keep me pretty :) Dad will be stuck with the dirty jobs-- draining my drains and checking my bandages or whatever.  I'm hopeful I won't need anyone to bathe me, but we shall see....  ugh!

I need to get my living will notarized.  Mom already told me she can't do it.  So, once again, Dad is left with the dirty work of having to unplug me if it comes to that- lol! ha!ha!  OMG! My poor dad!  But he's a wise man, and he knows that I would never want to be kept alive if I was brain dead and no longer able to have any independence or be able to communicate.  I love to communicate (as many of you poor souls who I text already know-lol!) As one of my friends complained recently, "a text message is not suppose to be a blog."  Most of you won't laugh right there, but the ones who know me and are current victims of my texting, I know just let out a laugh right then- lol!  So the living will is one thing still on the checklist.  The only other thing is making sure the house is clean and my room especially is clean.  That will definitely be the agenda for Wednesday.  

Back to my after work story... So I have my dad drive me to Target, and he walks with me to the bra section, but we find nothing.  We eventually see the sports bras by the workout section.  There are many colors and types.  My doctor recommended the $16 ones.  She forgot the $.099 part, so they are really $17 before tax and practically $19 after tax, which makes it practically $20! These prices are not my $7.99 TJMaxx sports bra prices, so you know my cheap self is hurt by these prices.  But they are really comfortable, and they have nice bright happy colors, so I did buy them.  Dad was patient enough to debate sizes with me-- I was between medium or large. I grabbed a few larges and was ready to head out, because I knew my other cousins and visitors were at my house having dinner and waiting.  I figured I would exchange them if they didn't fit.  My dad, however, told me I should just go try a couple sizes on.  So, I did (good thing I did, I ended up with mediums).  I gave him my giant purse to hold and the extra bras that I didn't need to try on.  As I was in the fitting room, it just hit me what was happening.  OMG!  My dad is bra shopping with me in preparation for my double mastectomy and reconstructive surgery because I have breast cancer.  I suddenly feel so grateful for him, and his patience with me, because he has been a little grumpy lately.  Tonight, however, he has been completely accommodating and kind.  I am very lucky.  My mom who can't stand medical things bought a box of masks and gloves to prepare for me and my dad who's a man is bra shopping with me!  I laugh and cry at the same time, because it is super funny, but also so incredibly demonstrative of their unlimited love and support.... I am blessed.   

“Parents rarely let go of their children, so children let go of them. They move on. They move away. The moments that used to define them - a mother's approval, a father's nod - are covered by moments of their own accomplishments. It is not until much later, as the skin sags and the heart weakens, that children understand; their stories, and all their accomplishments, sit atop the stories of their mothers and fathers, stones upon stones, beneath the waters of their lives.” 
― Mitch AlbomThe Five People You Meet in Heaven

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