Wednesday, October 3, 2012

10/03/2012- REALLY? Intentions gone wrong.

"It is difficult to say who do you the most harm: enemies with the worst intentions or friends with the best."  
- Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton

I was greeted first thing this morning with a message from a good friend on my phone.  It said hello and asked how I am doing.  As I am always happy to hear from my friend, it was a great way to kick off my day.  Then he continued, "I was reading up on mastectomy, have you considered lumpectomy?"

OMG!  If you have been keeping up with my blog, you could probably feel my blood boil.  I told him to read my blog and please respect my decision.  He is one of my greatest friends, and I KNOW he has all the best intentions in the world and is just concerned for my well being as "Wikepedia" has informed him of the higher surgical risks associated with the more invasive radical mastectomy procedure versus a lumpectomy.  I'm laughing as I cite his source of Wikepedia.  He's a good person, and I know he meant well as many of you who continue to question my judgment in the treatment I have opted for.  This is fine, but please keep your opinion to yourself if it is contrary to mine in this aspect of something so personal to me involving my body and my health.  I welcome and appreciate all the concern and love and support, but please think first before you say anything to me about this.  

I am an educated independent woman who has not rushed to immediate surgery, because I have taken my time this past MONTH seeing MULTIPLE doctors, got books from the library and have read through them, and searched for a second medical opinion.  I know so much information, and I know my risks for each option and the potential quality of my life after each.  I made the best decision for me.  The most closure from breast cancer that I can have.  I am at peace with my decision, so please be at peace with it too (or don't share with me if you're not).  That said, asking me if I considered a lumpectomy over a mastectomy is like asking a person buying tea at Starbucks whether he knows they sell coffee.  It doesn't take a genius, and I'm no genius, but I'm definitely not a moron either.  To my friend who this is talking about.  I hold no anger toward you or malice of any sort.  I know you and I know your intentions have nothing to do with thinking I am stupid or dumb, but only come from genuine concern.  I appreciate you and your friendship- this has not changed.  Maybe it happened to protect my next friend who was thinking of doing the same thing, but will be held back after reading this.  

Happy Wednesday people :)  

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