Wednesday, September 26, 2012

9/26/2012- I am not an X-Man! Margarita time ;)

I was anxiously awaiting my genetic testing results yesterday, but no phone call came.... I finally called today, and my results were in.  I do NOT have the mutation in my gene that would have made me more prone to ovarian cancer etc.  It looks like the ovaries are staying put, and I only need to worry about the boobies.    I'm celebrating by having some tequila (Margarita on the rocks!) as I prepare my next journal entry detailing my LONG LONG day yesterday at Mayo clinic.   
Results of genetic test: 
Test Results and Interpretation

I wish I could say the same for my brain and humor.  But then again, I like being a little mentally mutated; normal people scare me ;)  Just sayin...

“Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.” 
― Epicurus

Yay for regular breast cancer and not hereditary genetic cancer!


 Thanks mom and dad, my genes are legit! buwahahaha!!!

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